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Addon Blender ProGeoPrim, with it you can set up a mesh at any time, control every part of your model, create high poly and low poly in a couple of minutes, model using directional deformation, deform already finished objects using geonode primitives and much more


A little bit about geoprimitives, plus some primitive settings at the end of the video

Visual Boolean

This function allows you to model in layers, using primitives you get the ability to adjust the mesh in real time at any time, this gives you a lot of opportunities, especially to create low poly and high poly models in a short time, and also check the bevel layer for errors in future overlays, you can fix your hole on the model at any time or add something new, or turn off the layer with the detail you don't need and much more

In the second part, I will show you how to optimize your work with layers, tell you how to transfer from layer to layer, as well as one of the options for working with an intersect layer

Object Deform

About directional deformation of geoprimitives, you can also use ordinary objects, but with the use of primitives you have more options and settings

Mesh Deform

This function uses a primitive to quickly create a mesh, allows you to straighten back bent objects, as well as bend them and make all sorts of deformations over the mesh, you can also edit the anchored mesh in EDIT mode and deform your mesh

Update 1.0.8 Adaptation for blender 4.1

Update 1.0.7 Kernel rebuild, major bug fix

Update 1.0.6 Geoprimitives: added ring mode for cylinder and cone, button for triangulation of cylinder and cone caps

Update 1.0.5 Visual boolean: A weld was built into the Bevel layer

Update 1.0.4 Visual boolean: bug fix moving boolean layers

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